About Casemie

About Casemie



CASE來自於義大利文 “家”
MIE來自於義大利文 “我們”
組成 “我們的家”

在CASE MIE尋找共鳴,感受和以往不同的生活。

我們會在此提供精緻廚房用品,目前合作品牌有來自義大利的 “OMADA”,以及風靡杜拜的"Golden Fire",和咖啡王”HARIO” 未來會再陸續接洽各大品牌合作。

“CASEMIE” is a Italian word,
CASE simply means Home,
MIE means Ours, so it’s meant “Our Home”.
Here at Casemie we care about the shape of family and the health of our beloved.

‘OMADA’ Premium Italian brand, is available in Taiwan for very first time.
With this we are not only selling products under OMADA brand but ‘Golden Fire’ products which are with high reputation and popular in Saudi Arabia and Western Asia region.

We are exciting to bring more and more popular brands to create a fine and healthy lifestyle in Taiwan.